Part 5

Larionov and Goncharov

larionovportret.jpg (17671 bytes)Larionov and Goncharov - the central figures of Russian avant guarde. They have got acquainted at School of Painting and became the husband and the wife. In common they not only participated in many exhibitions, but also developed *) the general art ideas. 1908-1910 - неопримитивистский the period, the reference *) to traditions of Russian folklore, an icon, лубку *).

In 1910-1912 Larionov and Goncharov have created a new art direction - лучизм which has existed *) not for long, but has rendered huge influence on the further development of world avant guarde. In a basis *) лучизма the theory of light lays. Dynamism of a composition связываетcя with reflection *) light and its beams *), decomposing *) object. The artist sees the new forms created by light radiation *) and tries to fix them on a canvas *).

goncharovaportret.jpg (9939 bytes)In 1914 Larionov and Goncharov have accepted Dyagilev's offer to work in its enterprise, to create scenery to performances. Per 1917 have finally moved to Paris.

With departure *) abroad the innovative period of creativity of Larionov and Гончаровой comes to an end, though they продожают to write pictures, to make out performances, to illustrate books.


I remember last exhibition on which Larionov participated... It has taken to itself(himself) a wall with the fan. The wall was inconvenient *). Nobody wished to hang up pictures here. As comrades were interested, but Larionov has not told, what exactly it will arrange for public.

The boring days previous *) opening of an exhibition have gone. Artists came on an exhibition to look, who that has brought. Come saw Larionov borrowed by the wall. That it did in the first days, nobody understood, but that was not the picture, that it did. But the Larionov's idea was more found out *), the is more trite conversations.

The invention was really ingenious. Larionov has beaten *) on a wall косу *) wives, картонку *) from under a hat, cuttings *) from newspapers, a geographical card, etc. When all was ready, Larionov took under a hand of comrade, showed it a wall and included the fan. Everyone were in despair. All understood, that public will crowd *) at Larionov's wall and pictures in other halls nobody will look …

(From A.A.Shemshurina's memoirs)



разрабатывать - uitwerken

обращение - het zich wenden tot

лубок - tekening met volksleven

просуществовать - blijven bestaan

лежать в основе - ten grondslag liggen

отражение - weerspiegeling

луч - lichtstraal

разлагать - splitsen

холст -doek

отъезд - vertrek

неудобный - niet geschikt

предшествовать - voorafgaan

выясняться - duidelijk worden

прибить - vastspijkeren

коса - vlecht

картонка - doosje

вырезка из газет - kranteknipsel

толпиться - zich verdringen

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