Part 3


burliukportret.jpg (16995 bytes)In the end of the nineteenth century greater popularity in Russia the futurism - has got movement *), arisen in Italy. However Russian futurism was far from the Italian of the namesake *). As David Burljuk wrote in the end of 1914: " We with the Italian futurism of anything the general, except for a nickname *), have no. " Russia addressed to national roots *): примитиву, лубку, an icon. Italy demanded the courageous superperson *) times of a new civilization. Petersburg seem to futurists city of nightmares *), Rome was "paradise" for Italians. New Russian painting cultivated spontaneity and psychologism, Italian - an insensible sight of the person looking at a landscape from a window of a fast train.

burliukpaard.jpg (18086 bytes)The father of Russian futurism named David Burljuka - the artist, the book illustrator, the poet, the author of manifestes and critiques, the publisher, the organizer of exhibitions. Appearance *) Бурлюка very much corresponded to the chapter авангардистского awards: high growth, fragmentary *) trousers, the ancient lorgnette belonged as explained itself Бурлюк, to the napoleonic marshal *) Даву, the cylinder *), серьга in an ear, the well-known color waistcoat *), and the main thing - a glass eye. A mad kind - mad vital energy. It was the good cook *) futurism and was able " is tasty to submit *) " the pupils. Including by means of the scandal which is considered at that time " the factor of development of art ". One time expression "бурлюкать" *) was accepted in circles of futurists as terminus technicus.

Art Бурлюка - bright (on paints), country (on favourite subjects), витальное (on temperament) - badly got on *) with requirements *) a vanguard aesthetics of transformation of a reality. Before us that classical example when the theory advances *) to an expert. Certainly, as the ideological leader *) Russian futurism it is much more interesting than itself - the artist.



движение - beweging, stroming

тезкa - naamgenoot

кличкa - bijnaam

корни - wortels, roots

сверхчеловек - supermens

кошмар - nachtmerrie

рваный - verscheurd

маршал - maarschalk

цилиндр - hoge zijden (hoed)

жилет - vest

повар - kok

подать - opdienen

бурлюкать - woordspeling met borrelen en de naam van Burliuk

уживаться - het kunnen vinden met

требование - eis

опережать - voorbijstreven, achter zich laten

вождь - leider


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