part 2

From zero to infinity: " Free flight of forms "

malevichzelfportret.jpg (35589 bytes)In December, 1915 Kazimir Malevich has exposed in Petrograd 39 pointless *) products and among them a simple quadrangle *) - a black square *) on a white background *). In published then " From a cubism and futurism to a suprematism " the artist explained the brochure motives of the evolution and sense of the creativity. Two-dimensional *) one-colour forms appeared " independent and alive " and … not having any communication with our real world. " Things have disappeared, as a smoke *), for new culture of art. " Since this moment painting has refused from иллюстративности, psychologism to create the world of new forms.

Owing to a gain *) this freedom - autonomies of the abstract forms, new art approved *) the superiority *) (from here and the term "suprematism") above old painting, formulated the laws and established the new order. Originally *) this order concerned only to a material and its properties *) (to the pure form, color, the invoice). In quoted *) to the brochure-manifest Malevich demanded from the new artist " to know now as why occurs in its pictures ". It wrote: " … art is a skill *) to create a design not on the basis of *) aesthetic taste красивости *) compositions, and on the basis of weight *), speeds *) and directions *) movements *) ".

Malevich's suprematism has caused radical revolution *) in the ranks of кубофутуристов. It not only has accelerated *) evolution of many Russian artists, but also has changed a direction of development of the western art. As Malevich in 1915 declared *), a suprematism - not style of painting, is philosophy of the world.



беспредметный - non-figuratief, abstract

четырехугольник - vierkant

квадрат - vierkant

фон - achtergrond, veld

двухмерный - twee-dimensionaal

дым - rook

завоевание - verovering

утверждать - vestigen

превосходство - superioriteit

первоначально - aanvankelijk

свойство - eigenschap

цитировать - citeren, aanhalen

умение - het kunnen

на основании - op basis

красивость - fraaiheid

вес - gewicht

скорость - snelheid

направление - richting

движение - beweging

переворот - omwenteling

ускорить - versnellen

заявлять - aankondigen, verklaren


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